On Purpose Astrology Course
Are you ready to have fun exploring the cosmos together? Come uncover your deepest gifts, life purpose, soul blueprint & so much more! Unlock the biggest secrets to your greatest manifestations. ❤️🌟
Are you tired of feeling confused about how to read the stars that you were born under? Are you simultaneously confused about the mission, vision and premise of your business? The planets and the stars aligned to birth you and your business through a portal of profound capabilities. Most people have no idea how to access this information let alone use it to their benefit.
Don’t feel bad! It’s not your fault. We are not taught these things because consciousness has been suppressed from our connections to the stars and planets all around us.
To study the stars is to study the universe itself. So as you build more self-awareness through this magical guided self study your consciousness will expand and your frequency will raise automatically. Furthermore your business will feel more clear by using its date of birth to map its definitive purpose. Your business is an extension of you, & should be treated with its own attention, love & wisdom.
It’s time to come out of the dark and step into the light of the luminescent stars and planets. They hold the keys to our abundance, freedom, life purpose, karmic contracts, and spiritual support. We are not alone and we were never created to be alone, not just as human beings but as celestial bodies ourselves. This course will help you & your business find your place amongst the stars as you were always intended to.
Imagine this...
You’re able to look at yours, your business’ and anyone else’s natal chart and be able to instantly identify the markers of abundance, manifestation, love, life purpose, and archangel and celestial support with so much ease. It excites you to be able to pinpoint all the beauty in your chart and to help others identify it in theirs as well.
It’s time to open your awareness to the cosmic forefront of your very existence. While uncovering all the secrets and goodies in your chart you will learn to read the charts of your current or future business(s) and help each along the path of their individual divine service.
If you’re tired of looking at an astrological chart and feeling completely confused and lost you’re in the right place. You will learn the basics and the advanced in practical, easy and tangible ways. These skills will carryover & this information will transform your life.
In this course you’ll learn to identify your life’s work & your business’ purpose, as well as deepest wounds & how to heal them. You’ll get crystal clear on your soul's medicine to the planet and how you deliver that through your business, how you best give & receive love, your deepest yearnings, & the specific celestial support & backing you have to help you manifest the life you deserve! Yes, all this in one course!!
You’ll experience deep transformation & enhanced awareness around these topics & themes each weak:
WEEK #1 - Current Life Purpose & Past Lives
This class will activate your life’s work and soul mission while also assisting you in remembering your past lives. Past meets present and future in this class. In this week, we will uncover the mission and truest purpose of your business, whether it has been created or not. You’ll also uncover the inner workings of your brand. Innerstand the past life occupations and gifts and how to bring them into the now. Prepare to dive in and dig deep!
WEEK #2 - Week 2: Clearing the Karming Debt of Your Business and Your Personal Wounding
The Wounded Healer & harsh aspects in your chart: come find the blueprint of what karma your soul came to transmute & transform. Similarly, we will uncover what shadow patterns have to be cleared in your business for it to become successful. Align your business to your greatest medicine on earth.
WEEK #3 - Your Ruling Planet & The 5th House
Find the inner voice of your business and how to reach your audience. Each person and business is designed to reach the masses in a different way and it’s time to find yours. This planet also shows the ways to operate in this lifetime & how you self express. This class will show you how to maintain a high level of competence in your life, & how to remedy its connection to your Sun sign. These placements will show us how you best dance with life. 💃
WEEK #4 - Prenatal Eclipses & Portal of Fortune
Come uncover the portal that propelled your soul and/or your business into its present incarnation, & how to combine this energy with your good luck & fortune placement. Together you will uncover what your soul came to develop & grow into, while understanding what keeps you motivated to be successful. The Cosmic Red Bull. 💫 🚀
WEEK #5 - Loooooooove
Need I say more!? Come uncover the asteroids that reveal how you best give & receive love, how you feel connected intimately with another, where love is meant to transform your life most! Come learn about the divine feminine and masculine parts of your business and how to keep them aligned to keep universal flow moving through it. This day will help you manifest a deeper connection to your current love OR prepare you for what’s to come! Calling in Love this week.
WEEK #6 - Meet The 4 Royal Stars
These are the guardians of the heavens & keepers of the Celestial Gates. Come uncover the corresponding arch angels & where they are here to protect & assist you in your personal natal chart and in your business. Learn to manifest with the royal stars, which are the brightest stars in their constellations, the markers of the changing seasons & the stars most represented in history. These are the real secrets they don’t want you knowing!!
Integration & download day: Breathwork & Inner Dance combo ❤️
Candice Rebollo is an Intuition Coach, Clairvoyant Psychic, & Master Breathwork Detox Facilitator. She has co-facilitated Breathwork Biohacking events for NASA alongside expert panelists consisting of the world's top neuroscientists and psychologists.
Her unique combination of using multifaceted modalities allows her to expedite problem solving by identifying core issues and patterns faster than traditional coaching methods. By helping her clients remove these illusive ‘blocks’ often hidden behind the veil to the untrained eye, she’s able to free the stagnant energy which hinders growth, while reestablishing the steady flow of abundance that creates breakthroughs. She’s built an attractive reputation by saving her clients the cost of wasted time, energy, and resources, while helping them redirect that energy to achieve greater success.
Candice specializes in unlocking people’s gifts by awaking their divinity and true life purpose. She trains Psychic Mediums all over the world and assists women in awakening their divine feminine powers, while helping men become more powerful manifesters.
She currently travels abroad hosting transformational events around the globe; From co-facilitating Breathwork Detox events in expos headlined by Deepak Chopra, to hosting her own psychic retreats in exotic locations, her teachings are far reaching and highly sought after.
Are You Meant to Join the On Purpose Astrology Course?
This course is not for you if you do not want to learn how the stars and planets affect your every day life. This course is also not for you if you want your personal and business life to stay exactly as they are. Those who join this course will be transformed, uplifted and ascended to new levels of awareness. The trajectory of your business will follow your frequency.
Also this is not for you if you’re not looking to have the most fun while uncovering the best parts of your soul’s existence here on this planet at this time. We’re here to have a good time!
Course Begins: To Be Announced!
For custom payment plans, please DM me on instagram @CandiceRebollo
Note: If you're planning on using a currency other than USD,
message me so we can use a platform like Wise for the best exchange rate.