Beginner Psychic Mediumship Certification

Connecting souls to their Guides and The Otherside so that they don’t have to experience the pain of neglecting their gifts.


What to expect in this Psychic Mediumship Certification

  • Deep healing with the inner child
  • Connecting with Higher Self and gatekeepers: Creating soul contracts for them to assist you on this journey of expanded psychic ability and intuition
  • Clearly understand what your innately psychic gifts are and expand these: Clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognisence, clairgustence, and clairalience
  • Help the dead cross over who might be stuck on the other side
  • Perform psychic surgeries to enhance and clear auric fields and somatic scans
  • Heal trauma from your lineage
  • Learn to clear ghosts and dark energy at the snap of your fingers
  • Prepare to be a psychic coach leading the intuitive arts in your field
  • Practice live readings and put those gifts to the test!!

Nobody taught you how to use your gifts… Until NOW.

According to the American Society for Psychical Research, up to 89% of all Americans have had some type of psychic experience at least once in their lives.

This includes ESP and out-of-body experiences, contacts with the dead, memories of past lives, experiences with apparitions or poltergeists, dreams or visions that later come true, and living in haunted houses.

Even though so many people have the capacity to experience psychic phenomenon, why does it feel so taboo and wrong to access and use these gifts for others?

Chances are, you didn’t have someone close to you when you were growing up to teach you about these gifts and show you how to use them for good.


Why everyone needs to learn Psychic Mediumship Now:


We live in a time where the outside world tries to take control over every bit of our lives. How we think... How we feel... How we plan our futures... 

It's time to take back our spiritual power and learn to be our own north stars.

This course will teach you what your own internal guidance system has been leading you to uncover, likely for lifetimes.

A developed and solid relationship with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides is like nothing else on this planet.

You will learn to trust yourself more than you ever have. And that's something that money can't buy!

Learning to bring through valuable downloads for yourself and your clients is one of the yummiest parts.

Providing specific details on your client's next steps will provide enlightening and transformational experiences that will blow them and you away (YES you can even surprise yourself with what information you can access!)

You're building belief in yourself and you too get to access the spiritual and psychic realms for ALL burning questions.


NO OTHER MODALITIES can replace the connection between you & your guides. No other spiritual medicine, dogma, practice, or trainings can come close to the power of you learning to channel YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL TEAM!

Your soulmate clients are waiting for you to step into your gifts so they can be served by you. Nobody wins when you wait or hide!

Remember how I said 89% of people have psychic abilities? How come we don’t hear about psychics, mediums and intuitive abilities more as a society?

Billions are spent on suppressing your extra-sensory perceptions and indoctrinating you into a box you were never meant to fit in.

 Are you going to be like the majority of people, pretending they're powerless, hiding and staying small?

Or are you ready to be unapologetically you?

 If you’re open, keep reading…

Each psychic medium who reclaims their truth lifts the vibration of the planet and sparks 10,000 more to do the same. Let us all be a part of the reclamation of light and disintegrate fear-based programming!



Someone walks in your space (in-person or virtually), & you can immediately sense what they are dealing with behind the mask, if they have a loved one with them from The Otherside, and the ancestral patterns playing out in their current thoughts & energy field. YOU IMMEDIATELY KNOW HOW TO CLEAR IT!!

You begin to build your client base effortlessly by doing this, because spirit leads the way & you just follow the impulse & your joy. You learn to live from your heart & intuition with more ease than you thought was possible. You are leading fun & deep virtual Channeled meditations & activations from your guides that help funnel clients into your 1:1 or group packages.

You are thriving financially, spiritually, & mentally from the information you bring through for yourself on a day-to-day basis. You are in flow! & living from your Soul’s Purpose. Nothing can stop you now Lightworker!

The shifts and transformations you'll experience in this course will change your life forever

You will learn...

  • the fundamentals & foundations of connecting with your Guides & The Otherside.
  • to be witnessed by other blossoming souls in the sacred space created.
  • tour SPECIFIC gifts & grow to brand new heights.
  • to connect to your own loved ones & ancestors behind the veil, & receive their deep messages of healing & love.the fundamentals of doing this work for others/clients

  • to detect ancestral blocks, & which ancestral line it comes from (Paternal, Maternal, or Past Life)

  • golden nuggets of business behind Psychic Mediumship work. You will uncover the steps you need to take to allow your gifts to be seen & paid for! $$$ while also uncovering why you have been blocked from receiving your TRUE SOUL’S ABUNDANCE. 

Expect to receive 1:1 feedback on your progress & have your questions answered throughout this course. You will receive homework to push you out of the bounds of your normal intuition & psychic ability. You are going to learn to bring it all home here!

Synchronicity!! You will experience MUUUCH synchronicity surrounding your breakthroughs & the messages from your Guides. Healing, spirit messages, angel numbers, dream insights, & weather & nature patterns, are just some examples of these. Prepare for unexplainable & beautiful occurrences from Spirit letting you know you are loved & supported in this process.

After completing this beginners certification training, you'll have the following skills...


Connecting with your inner child and gatekeepers


Accessing Higher Self and Spirit Guide(s) & Learning the “Set Aside” Process


Communicating with The Other Side: Healing Ancestral and Generational Wounds


Performing Psychic Surgery


Healing Trauma and Abuse to Birth Your Psychic Gifts


Clearing Ghosts, Entities, Dark Energy, and Stuck Patterns


WILDCARD: Participants Guides Will Decide This Day's Lesson

NOTE: Due to the intuitive nature of this certification, instructor(s) may choose to adjust the ordering of lessons and curriculum based on the group’s spiritual needs and capacity from week to week


For this Live Virtual Course via Zoom we will meet once a week for 7 weeks for at least an hour each week. Some days we may go slightly over time, but you are not required to stay. If you miss a class, you will have access to the recording to revisit & keep up with the rest.

There will be weekly homework assignments including automatic writing, past life regression, breathwork session(s), channeled meditations and paired practice with other students.

Additionally, you'll be called to share these gifts with others (real world practice - recorded via zoom)

Many assignments will be self-paced and for your own practice and review.


  • BONUS: 3 ADDITIONAL SESSIONS that go for 2.5 hours each for Deeper Healings, Clearings, Integration, Q&A, Live Personalized Readings from Instructor’s Guides (Valued at $3000)
  • BONUS: Your Sacred Symbol Meditation to receive a symbol that will connect to your Selves in past, present, future timeline instantly so that you can clear, navigate, and enhance whatever energies are present and needed (Valued at $333)
  • BONUS: Short Breathwork Detox Activations for Psychic Abilities - 3rd Eye Activation & Intuition (Valued at $555)




Candice Rebollo is an Intuition Coach, Clairvoyant Psychic, & Master Breathwork Detox Facilitator. She has co-facilitated Breathwork Biohacking events for NASA alongside expert panelists consisting of the world's top neuroscientists and psychologists.  

Her unique combination of using multifaceted modalities allows her to expedite problem solving by identifying core issues and patterns faster than traditional coaching methods. By helping her clients remove these illusive ‘blocks’ often hidden behind the veil to the untrained eye, she’s able to free the stagnant energy which hinders growth, while reestablishing the steady flow of abundance that creates breakthroughs. She’s built an attractive reputation by saving her clients the cost of wasted time, energy, and resources, while helping them redirect that energy to achieve greater success.  

Candice specializes in unlocking people’s gifts by awaking their divinity and true life purpose. She trains Psychic Mediums all over the world and assists women in awakening their divine feminine powers, while helping men become more powerful manifesters.

She currently travels abroad hosting transformational events around the globe; From co-facilitating Breathwork Detox events in expos headlined by Deepak Chopra, to hosting her own psychic retreats in exotic locations, her teachings are far reaching and highly sought after. 





Are you tired of suffocating in confusion and the unknowingness of your healing process?

We'll help you tune out the world around you and break down your walls. Once you've gotten to know and love who you are on the inside, we'll teach you how to nurture and protect that person as you go through your daily life.

This is not a self taught course! These sessions need to be channeled LIVE, by Candice & her guides. You will have support from the group & Candice to make sure you are flowing along as needed.

You will be clearing out your own pains, wounds, traumas, & blocks WHILE learning to become a Psychic Medium. This makes this course extra special.

I'm not going to treat you as a starving artist or broke lightworker, I’m gonna treat you as the luxurious facilitator and master psychic that you are, because I've experienced that transformation, & I know you can too


  • 7 Psychic Mediumship Certification Modules including group instruction classes,  recordings, exercises, and assignments (VALUED AT $10,000)
  • BONUS3 ADDITIONAL SESSIONS that go for 2.5 hours each for Deeper Healings, Clearings, Integration, Q&A, Live Personalized Readings from Instructor’s Guides 
    (Valued at $3000)
  • BONUS: Feedback during group sessions based on your spiritual gifts, progress, healing & more! (Valued at $1000)
  • BONUS: Sacred Symbol Meditation (Valued at $333)
  • BONUS: Breathwork Detox Third-Eye Activations (Valued at $555)


The Certification Course Begins: Thursday November 30th!

For custom payment plans, please DM me on instagram @CandiceRebollo



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